Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life on the farm, is always a new adventure. Maybe that is why I love it so much. Today my greatest enjoyment was a Switch a electrician friend hooked up for me, One flip and my portable vacuum pump was humming! Simple things can make life so much easier. It is right above cow 3, so saving me many steps. I am thinking this week we will have a new baby cow, how long can Jenny Bean keep her baby? She was due February 1st and is as big as a house. She is bred to ABS Hallmark, I am thinking it is a bull calf. He will be call Barret. For one of our lovely cow share holder Donna. She is a special lady who loves all animals. Worked for Save a Pat for years helping out many cats. If it turns out to me a heifer then we will have to think up a new name. Part of the fun is naming the critters. They all learn their name and come when call. Who ever knew a cow and goat would be so smart. Today is Super Sunday, so early afternoon chores then Pizza and snack with my two legged children. Always a pleasure for Timmy and I. Till next time!

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